

Click Here to Find the Motivation You Need to Get Organized in 2024!

Click Here to Find the Motivation You Need to Get Organized in 2024!

Dieting, working out, and getting more organized continually top the list of New Year’s resolutions. All three, however, typically fall by the wayside by February. I have no hard science behind this, but my theory is these three tend to be the hardest to consistently maintain. There’s no shortage of advice out there but have […]

My Foolproof Strategy for Decluttering With Kids (Even Adult Kids)

My Foolproof Strategy for Decluttering With Kids (Even Adult Kids)

We are currently undergoing renovation of our primary bedroom and bathroom. This required us to move everything from our bedroom into one of our daughters’ bedrooms. This particular daughter now in her mid-twenties, conveniently left home earlier this year.  Adult kids, however, rarely take 100% of their worldly possessions with them. Said daughter’s room looked exactly like […]

How Do You Know If You’re Too Sentimental? (Or… The Art of Letting Go)

How Do You Know If You’re Too Sentimental? (Or… The Art of Letting Go)

We all have them; people in our lives who, when you confess your inner struggle about holding onto something that really needs to go, coldly state, “Just throw it out. Nobody is going to want that!” Those people are not reading this blog due to obvious reasons (the title).  The rest of you dear ones, […]

How to Organize Your Children’s School Papers

How to Organize Your Children’s School Papers

By Gyll Samson, Lead Professional Organizer, The Organizing Professionals® As parents, we all find the amount of paper that enters our home from our children’s school a bit overwhelming.  Some pieces are works of art, some celebrated first written words, some graded assignments or report cards, and some, well, we’re not sure what it is!  […]

The Organizing Professionals Top Five Organizing Products That Will Change Your Life!

The Organizing Professionals Top Five Organizing Products That Will Change Your Life!

Okay, so maybe they won’t completely change your life, but I hear you need a compelling title for folks to open a newsletter and it worked–You’re reading this! Seriously though, after more than a decade of transforming people’s homes, there are some items that really work, help maintain organization, and simply put a smile on your face […]

The Organizing Professionals

Back to (Virtual) School: Winning Strategies for the Entire Family

“If they had told us back in March our kids would still be home in September, I hate to think how that would have affected our psyche,” Disclosed one of my friends. Yet, here we are. Whether you have grade schoolers, high schoolers, or college kids taking classes online here are some awesome ideas collected […]

The Organizing Professionals

How To Plan When There’s Nothing To Plan For

2020 was to have been a milestone year in the Bernstein/McBride household. At the beginning of the year, our calendar displayed a fun-filled, jammed-packed year of once-in-a-lifetime events. My oldest daughter would graduate law school, my younger daughter would graduate college, my stepdaughter would graduate high school, my other stepdaughter would turn 21.  Summer trips […]

The Organizing Professionals

WFH Strategies for You & The Fam

We are now into week five of lockdown here in Pennsylvania. Most likely you’ve developed some effective work from home strategies. Here are several successful strategies we’ve implemented at our home: Create a mobile office – When your kitchen counter or dining room table doubles as your WFH area, separating work from break time proves […]

The Organizing Professionals

Hosting for The Holidays

Hosting for the Holidays? How to Keep Your Sanity AND Make Your Guests Feel Extra Special We’ve all been there, you arrive as a guest to be greeted by a frazzled host. Not yet ready to receive the onslaught of people, the stress and tension in the home is palpable and uncomfortable.  Maybe you’ve been […]

The Organizing Professionals

Mom Knows Best: Sharing My Mother’s Best Organizing Tip with You

Like it or not, our mothers contribute greatly to how we organize, how we see clutter, how we manage our homes.  As professional organizers, we regularly encounter a mother’s influence in our clients’ lives.  Some have difficulty parting with their children’s artwork because their mother threw away all of theirs. Some clients fill their homes […]

The Organizing Professionals

Forget The Physical Clutter; Can You Help Organize My Brain?

I’m writing this from a ranch somewhere in the middle of Texas. I’m not kidding. After three fabulous days networking with my peeps at the National Association of Productivity and Organizing Professionals (NAPO) conference in Fort Worth, I rented a car, drove a couple of hours due west and checked in to a dude ranch […]

The Organizing Professionals

Are You Paperless or Paperful? – Baby Steps for the Not-so-Tech Savvy

Although several of us at The Organizing Professionals absolutely LOVE organizing paperwork we recognize we are the minority. For many of our clients, the constant onslaught of incoming mail and other papers increases stress and leaves them feeling overwhelmed. Where to begin? There are many articles on how to go paperless. Many share wonderfully helpful […]