Author: jborganize
Check Out Bridget James’ Tips on Sparefoot “24 Speedy Spring Cleaning Hacks”
Set the timer for 15 minutes and go through items in one area, such as a kitchen drawer or a shelf in the laundry room. “If you don’t love it, need it or use it, let it go,” says Bridget James, a senior professional organizer at The Organizing Professionals in Philadelphia. “The less you have in your…
Are You Paperless or Paperful? – Baby Steps for the Not-so-Tech Savvy
Although several of us at The Organizing Professionals absolutely LOVE organizing paperwork we recognize we are the minority. For many of our clients, the constant onslaught of incoming mail and other papers increases stress and leaves them feeling overwhelmed. Where to begin? There are many articles on how to go paperless. Many share wonderfully helpful…
Finding (and Maintaining) a Love Life When You Have ADHD
As an ADHD specialist, I frequently have the privilege of meeting couples where one partner has ADHD (or ADD). As they lead me on a tour of their home, it’s not infrequent that the spouse without ADD makes comments such as, “I don’t understand why she can’t keep this place tidy!” or “He’s attached to…
Check out Janet Bernstein’s latest segment with Alicia Vitarelli on 6abc “Cutting down and cashing in your closet clutter”
If you’ve been swept up in the Marie Kondo phenomenon, you’re not alone. It seems the hit show has inspired many to clean house and that’s good news for anyone looking for a deal. “If you haven’t worn it in a year there’s always a reason why. Why didn’t you wear it in the last…
Check out Janet Bernstein’s latest segment with Alicia Vitarelli on 6abc “Getting organized in 5 minutes or less”
A new year means a new chance to declutter and streamline your stuff – and your life. If it all seems overwhelming and you don’t know where to start, a local professional organizer shows us how to get organized in 5 minutes or less. “We recommend that you take every project in bite-sized pieces,” said…
How to Get Organized in 5 Minutes or Less! (Yes Really)
I’ve been reading some discouraging statistics recently regarding new years’ resolutions. Apparently 80% of resolutions fail by February. This makes complete sense. We tend to make grandiose goals and overcommit, hence the high failure rate. However, I firmly believe we can make giant strides in our lives by taking baby steps. Personally, I developed some…
Undeck the Halls: How to Declutter Christmas Decorations
Is your house overflowing with strands of lights, ugly sweaters and toys that bring no joy? Then consider a new holiday tradition: decluttering Christmas decorations. If you need to dig through bins of decor to find your favorites, that might be sign you have too many Christmas decorations. If that’s the case, now is the…
Feeling Harried This Holiday Season?
It’s the most wonderful time of year according to Andy Williams and The Hallmark channel. Yet, instead of much mistletoeing and your heart all glowing you are up to your ears in a frantic pace of shopping, wrapping, decorating and hosting. Have no fear, The Organizing Professionals are here spreading good cheer with our helpful…
Are You Overcommitted?
Scenario #1 Rush, rush, rush. You’re always rushing from one activity to the next. When you get home, you’re exhausted. You throw your clothes on the floor or over the chair because you either don’t have enough time to put them away or there’s no longer space in your closet. You don’t have time to…
Transitioning to Your Fall Wardrobe: Five Quick Tips to Revamp Your Closet
I’m not the biggest fan of the colder temperatures but I love fall clothing; scarves, jackets, boots. I love it all! The change in season also provides a much needed opportunity to declutter my closet. This in turn helps improve my morning routine. I know what I have, where everything is located and items I’m…