Author: jborganize
Three Quick & Clean Tips to Organize Your Closet
Spring has finally sprung and gives us the perfect opportunity to declutter and organize our closets. Take advantage of the change in seasons, set aside some time and follow these three quick tips that will transform your closet. Lose the shoe boxes! Shoe boxes are too big, take up too much space, and conceal the…
The Ultimate Philadelphia Spring-Cleaning Guide
Systemize Your Playroom Pickup: Janet Bernstein Organizers, Main Line. Feel like you’re picking up after your kids every five seconds? That’s because you are. Bernstein isn’t just your run-of-the-mill organizer. She and her staff not only deploy fuss-free tactics that keep playrooms, basements and bedrooms looking neat; they also set up organization systems in a…
Janet Bernstein on CBS Talk Philly
Check out Janet Bernstein’s Before & After Organizing segment on CBS Talk Philly! Janet shows viewers how to organize the kitchen junk drawer, a sweater drawer, and a clothes closet. She also explains why it’s better to start on small organizing projects plus other great pieces of advice! View Video on CBS Local ›
When Opposites Attract (Or, Help! My Spouse’s Disorganization is Driving me Crazy!)
Let’s take a brief trip down memory lane. What was it that initially attracted you to your spouse? Perhaps you fell for his outgoing, life-of-the-party personality. Maybe you were drawn to her gifted, creative nature. In those initial stages of love, you possibly detected his or her organizing limitations but those flaws were a small…
Five Quick Tips to Getting Organized in 2015
Is it just me or does it seem that getting organized is on just about everyone’s 2015 resolution list? If you’re one of the many who have resolved to get organized this year. Congratulations! Perhaps I’m biased but is there really a better New Year’s resolution? Getting more organized increases productivity, reduces stress and anxiety…
Getting Your Military Family Organized: 10 Tips to Use Right Now!
Whether you’re undertaking a Permanent Change of Station (PCS) to California or Korea, or you’re staying put for a few years, it can be tough to organize your home — and keep it organized. Here are 10 tips that’ll help you get your household shipshape in 2015. 1. Write it down. Professional organizers say if…
Make Organization Your No. 1 New Year’s Resolution: Getting Started
Yesterday’s blog post offered expert reasoning for making “getting organized” one of your New Year’s resolutions. Today, these experts, and more, are going to help you get started and keep going strong all year. Getting started is tough, so make sure you’re setting yourself up for success. Dr. Fran Walfish, psychotherapist, author and expert panelist…
The Secret to an Organized Holiday Season
It’s supposed to be the most wonderful time of the year, yet once again, you’re feeling stressed, over-whelmed, and already exhausted. The two vital keys to excellent organizing are planning and pacing. Begin by creating a master list of everything you need to accomplish. For example, buy gifts, wrap gifts, decorate home, plan holiday dinner menu,…
Storage Solutions: Organization Tips for the Toy Overload
Toy overload is a common occurrence in a household full of little ones. From Legos and tiny figurines to large stuffed animals and games, it can be a challenge to keep a home tidy when there are toys overflowing into every room. Although it may be a good idea to de-clutter a bit and sort…
Asked & Answered: How Can I Organize Homework Time?
Time management is a skill that will serve you your entire life. Help your young ones master it now, and the next few years of book reports and dioramas may not be so stressful. Question: As my kids are getting older and juggling school assignments, I want to instill in them good work ethic and…