Author: jborganize
How Prepared Are You For An Emergency?
How Prepared Are You For An Emergency? The recent devastation from the California wildfires has left me both riveted and heartbroken. Watching the interviews of those who have lost their homes, one common thread stands out: people are incredibly relieved that they and their loved ones are safe, but they also feel immense sadness over…
What I Learned From My Afternoon With An Image Consultant
I met Melissa Kary Allen, owner of MKAStyle, at the Best of Main Line event earlier this summer. Wearing an off-white lacy top with matching flowy pants, chunky heels, and lots of cool jewelry, Gyll and I arbitrarily voted her ‘best dressed.’ Melissa approached our table where we learned about her services as a certified…
Check Out Our Tips in The Spruce
When it comes to home organizing, there are a lot of common misconceptions floating around. We spoke with pro organizers and asked them to debunk some of the main myths that we often hear when it comes to decluttering, and you may be surprised at what they share below. Janet Bernstein, a professional organizer and…
Click Here to Find the Motivation You Need to Get Organized in 2024!
Dieting, working out, and getting more organized continually top the list of New Year’s resolutions. All three, however, typically fall by the wayside by February. I have no hard science behind this, but my theory is these three tend to be the hardest to consistently maintain. There’s no shortage of advice out there but have…
Why You Absolutely, Emphatically Need a Home Inventory
In December 2021, I took my daughters on a belated, celebratory college graduation trip to Maui. It was the trip of a lifetime. We experienced our first Luau on Lahaina beach, took a sunset cruise from the harbor, and on other evenings ate at one of the many lovely restaurants along Front Street close to…
My Foolproof Strategy for Decluttering With Kids (Even Adult Kids)
We are currently undergoing renovation of our primary bedroom and bathroom. This required us to move everything from our bedroom into one of our daughters’ bedrooms. This particular daughter now in her mid-twenties, conveniently left home earlier this year. Adult kids, however, rarely take 100% of their worldly possessions with them. Said daughter’s room looked exactly like…
Check Out Our Tips Featured in Homes and Gardens
Moving in with a partner for the first time can be a wonderful experience – until you have to find a place for both of your things all under one roof. No matter how meticulous your house moving checklist is, you are bound to end up with duplicates, home decor that doesn’t exactly match one another’s style,…
Check Out Our Recent Tips in Homes and Gardens
Planning what to put in the cabinet above the kitchen sink? You’d be forgiven for being conflicted over the best way to use this space when organizing the kitchen. Though it’s in a slightly more tricky spot, it’s also an important place for storage, given that it’s usually always within easy reach – after all, many…
Check Out Our Recent Tips in Woman & Home
Organization and styling ideas for books aren’t just for those with generously sized rooms. With the right bookshelf ideas, you can make your book collection look good, whatever the size of the space you’re working with. Just like when organizing anything in a small space, trying to fit everything in while creating a room that’s both…
Are You Properly Storing Your Clothes In The Off-Season?
Last week I finally got around to ‘swapping out my closets’. The great thing about having small closets (I tell myself) is that it forces me twice a year to go through my clothes. I donate what I no longer wear to The Wardrobe, take all my winter clothes out of my bedroom closet, transfer them…